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Save Our 140-Year-Old Academy from Mismanagement and Closure
Help us secure its future and support the next generation of artists and entertainment professionals!
This year, American Academy of Dramatic Arts leadership abruptly announced plans to close the Los Angeles campus due to low enrollment, declining birth rate projections and implied financial insecurities, without any prior discussion or fundraising efforts. This lack of transparency and effort has alarmed the community, leading Fight For AADA Los Angeles (FALA) and higher education professionals to investigate. Together, years of mismanagement was uncovered, including risky loans, poor fundraising, lack of alumni outreach, and inadequate reporting to regulatory entities, all of which jeopardize the Academy’s future beyond just the loss of a Los Angeles campus and presence.

The current Academy leadership and board decisions have led to an untenable financial situation for the Los Angeles campus - they have failed its students, staff and alumni. Without a leadership overhaul and review of current management practices, it is only a matter of time before the entire institution is lost. With its historic legacy as the first English speaking acting school in America, losing AADA would leave a lasting impact on the entire American entertainment industry that has depended on the artistic expression and passion of the school’s alumni as professionals in the industry for the past 140 years.

An independent coalition of faculty and Academy staff have united, sharing concerns of violations against the legal and fiduciary responsibilities demanded by leaders of a nonprofit, accredited institution. Sharing in FALA’s mission and mutual concerns that the current leadership failures will result in total closure of the institution, faculty sent a letter of no confidence to the Board. The letter has demanded the President’s removal and a reversal of the closure, citing dereliction of duty. The Board's legal team responded by asking for names of faculty involved, but are yet to address any concerns raised.

FALA initially sought to collaborate with the Board on solutions. The administration’s lack of transparency, effort and communication has forced the need for a more assertive route to save the Academy and find alternate outcomes and solutions to leadership-created situations and closure.

Our immediate goal is to raise $4 million in 2024 to address the stated enrollment gap of 100 students, with $1 million needed before the school year starts on August 26, 2024. Our fundraising efforts primarily involve conditional pledges, with 10% raised in donations allocated for operational costs. We are exploring legal pathways to replace the current leadership, which we believe is essential for the Academy's longevity. Supported by our legal counsel Troutman Pepper, a powerful firm with experience in fighting school closures, we are confident in the viability of this effort. Our long term goal is to provide continued financial and operational support to the Academy as well as finding new leadership with fresh ideas and a true passion for arts education.

Our beloved 140-year-old Academy is at a critical juncture, and we need your support to ensure its legacy continues for future generations. The challenges facing the LA campus are just the beginning; without immediate action, the entire institution is at risk. Your tax-deductible* donation is not just a gift—it's an investment in the future of arts education, the dreams of countless young artists and the preservation of a talented stream of individuals funneling directly into the performing arts communities that we love. Stand with us, and together, we can ensure that this historic institution continues to inspire and empower for generations to come.


Volunteering with Fight For AADA LA offers a great way to make a meaningful impact on the preservation of a cherished institution. By dedicating your time and skills to our cause, you become an essential part of a community-driven effort to safeguard the legacy of AADA Los Angeles for generations to come. Whether you're passionate about fundraising, advocacy, event planning, or simply spreading awareness, volunteering provides a platform to contribute to something larger than yourself while connecting with like-minded individuals who share your commitment to the arts. Join us in this vital mission and be a part of preserving the rich heritage and inspiring future of AADA LA.

Write us here if you want to know more about volunteering:

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